In a recent article, Deloitte talked about 4 key areas for digital contact centre evolution. Of greatest interest is their reference to the “post-digital era”.
The fact that one of the “Big 4” is openly looking beyond digital automation to an era where better-informed agents work with the latest technologies is refreshing.
The line that has most impact, to me, is
“Aside from continuing to service those who ‘can’t’ and ‘won’t’ engage via digital, the contact centre has a key role to play in delivering the digital experience”
Digital transformation is increasing in pace and contact centres must embrace, not only the technology, but also absorb the many pressures to remain legally compliant.
To strip this down, I believe that a centre must:
- Demonstrate data integrity;
- Simplify their technology infrastructure
- Migrate to the cloud.
- Maximise R.O.I for their technology investments.
I would like to focus on compliance & data integrity – managing legacy data (voice recordings) as part of digital transformation….as these are the building blocks for the rest of the process.
When trying to squeeze maximum value from their data, organisations are finding that their historic or legacy voice & data, is being archived in siloed, disparate systems unable to communicate with one another.
This year, 2019, has seen many of our customers, both old and new, review their estate, whether it be Racal, NICE or any of the mainstream recording suppliers. They are delighted to find that we have the capability to absorb and convert this data to open source formats.
The impact of legacy technology on digital transformation is huge, especially in the finance sector where companies must retain data for extended periods of time, long after their original systems are no longer supported by the manufacturer. (please read the blog my colleague Peter Gough wrote on the subject)
Legacy systems not only jeopardise data integrity and risk data loss, but can result in huge fines and risk reputational loss.
The pace of digital transformation is frantic. If we take a look forward, Microsoft has announced that on January 14, 2020, they will end all support for Windows Server 2008 R2.
To maintain this Legacy System, like all others, will be extremely costly. I have heard of stories of companies spending 80% of the IT budget on managing legacy systems and historic data.
So don’t let your drive down the road of digital transformation be held up by history. Let’s focus on the positives; exploiting omni-channel information, incubating a new breed of agents and improving customer service.
Talk to myself or my colleagues at SVL about managing your data, collecting it in one accessible and retrievable archive which is fully compliant!!